No they truly loved me and showed it every day. I was not perfect,But they were proud of me. The only think they did not teach me how to spell.
is there help out there
JoinedPosts by is there help out there
Ann Landers
by is there help out there ina wile back ann laners asked her readers this question.
if you had to do it over again would you have children.
the responce 70% said no.
Recipe for Devil's Food Cake
by hamsterbait ini think it would be a laugh to give a party serving only foods like fairy cake, angelfood cake, devilled kidneys, devilled eggs.
in fact any food with the name of a supernatural being in it!!.
is there help out there
Next time the Elders call on you serve it to them and only after the elders eat it tell them that they just ate devil`s food. Them tell them that Saton has envaded there body.
Ann Landers
by is there help out there ina wile back ann laners asked her readers this question.
if you had to do it over again would you have children.
the responce 70% said no.
is there help out there
A wile back Ann Laners Asked her readers this question. If you had to do it over again would you have children. The responce 70% said No.
Saton tools.
by is there help out there init has cone to my attition that saten use ever means at his disposel to disrupt meetings.
has any one been at a meeting when one of the brother or sisters cell phone starts ringing.
has any one been cought useing cell phones during meetings.
is there help out there
It has cone to my attition that saten use ever means at his disposel to disrupt meetings. Has any one been at a meeting when one of the brother or sisters cell phone starts ringing. Has any one been cought useing cell phones during meetings. It would seem that the sister spend more time on the cell phones than meetings. Can anyone one come up with some good ring tones for the meeting. You just gotta love all the JW crap.
Forbidden fruit
by is there help out there insince the wt control almost ever aspect of you life is there any food jw are forbidden to eat or play with.
is there help out there
Since the WT control almost ever aspect of you life is there any food JW are forbidden to eat or play with.
The Ruling Power....Watchtower Authority
by Quirky1 inof all items listed, only three have been discontinued.
(marked with an asterisk) all are listed, however, to show the absurdity of watchtower authority and the absolute control leadership has over the lives of members once they join.
1. jehovah god is not a trinity.
is there help out there
What can they do.
I got panties
by LouBelle ini'm a 32 year old women and my aunt have me panties: pink, blue, and 1 with lil flowers.
there are lil girl panties.
it made me smile, no matter how old i get, my family still see me as a little girl :)
is there help out there
Are they eatable, if they are a bet they taste better than cookies. Mabe you can put some wipped cream on then before you eat them.
New Light - Doctor's Notes
by lawrence inwith the new 3-fold meeting schedule, the faithless dictators will announce shortly in the km the following:.
any appointed brother (including microphone holders) will be required to produce a doctor's note if 2 days' sets of meetings are missed back-to-back.
if a note is not provided, then the brother will have his privileges yanked.. forged notes will result in a jc.. so much for the "freedom of the sons of god.".
is there help out there
Thay should all bring in a note from a head doctor. I think the KH`s is just one big mental ward. Under the KH sign they should right One flew over the ko ko`s nest. Dr Phil should attent there meetings. It would make for a good show. You just gotta love this crap.
This is Like the WT, they do not know whats going on.
by is there help out there in
is there help out there
About a year ago I took 28 x JW girl to here first church service and word got out to the Paster that she was a JW. At the end of the service as we were leaving the paster pulled the aside and said to her that God always loved her and that today he has some spical for her and gave her a himnel book. At that point she broke down and cried. In the car she told all she ever wanted to know is that God lover no matter how much of the JW crap she read or how many meeting she went to etc. We all want our parents approvel and God is our creator and father at that point she know that God was proud of her. JW know that the only way God will love them is to go to all the meetings, go door to door,etc.. How sad it is for them to spend there hole liver worring if they are good enought for Gods love. Merry Cristmas and Happy new year from the cookie monster. My new year reserlation is to learn how to spell.